September 05, 2004ぐ颵ᇏ芻ꨀ봀噓۷?譗Ѿ譟廎⦯�ދ삅ٴࢋpࡑڋ셃˨잃㬄狘郛䃁浑琶ᇎ㒀ꨀ怀降>
Has Anyone Told the Left We Are At War?
True to their
lack of understanding of the bigger picture the New York Times is publishing a story about abuse of prisoners.
It seems that
four American Navy SEALS are being indicted on charges due to their treatment of a terror suspect that resisted (key note
here is resisted), their trying to take him into custody.
Apparently the
suspect named Jamadi, who just happened to be a suspect in the attack of the IRC in late 2003, was hit in the head with the
butt of one of the SEALS rifles. Jamadi later died of a blot clot to the head and it is believed that it was a result of the
This of course
has human rights groups (translation leftists) up in arms.
I hate to say
this to them and it may come as a shock to them but this is a WAR! And as such
the rules that would apply to civilian populations and governments cannot simply be applied here. Would you have been as eager
to prosecute the terrorist had he killed those 4 Navy SEALS? More then likely
not, and it would not surprise me.
I just wonder
why these same groups that are constantly calling us on the carpet for alleged maltreatment of prisoners were not as outraged
when the beheading of the American businessman occurred. And there was not a peep about the four contractors that were killed
and hung up for display. And recently the murder of two Frenchman journalists
has yet to be met with as much as a sound byte by these folks.
I could go on
and on ad nauseam but I think you get the picture. I wish they did.